Saturday, June 26, 2010

The 2 minute street sellers of Delhi and the art of Marketing; : Fastest marketing of the world:

Did you ever wonder what is the hardest mareting in the world ? Let me then take you to one of it...It belongs to the world of children mostly below 10 -12 years..both boys and girls...illiterate yet smart ..these group of children belong the streets of Delhi or may be some other indian metros..

One can spot them on busy squares where the traffic stops for just 1 or 2 minutes. one such square which i witness daily is near the IIT Delhi and under the Aurobindo flyover..every morning when i drive in my car i see them...these small children, haggling with customers , smiling , pleading and never getting upset ven if the hundredth customer they meet refuse to buy their stuff. Their stuff ? yes normally books - the best sellers, books by management gurus and some all time best fictions and also the they have a pretty good stock..

Then they have popular magzines, but again the stuff which sells better than others..having covers of pretty looking bollywood heroines or models etc..
Many times one can see roses and flowers especially on Valentine's day or on INdependence day trying to sell the Indian national flag..

If one has to learn marketing than this is the place ..each child on the street has less than 2 minutes to convince his/her customer who is someone sitting in a swanky car, small car, taxi or auto...these children know what to show if you are with your family they will show the family type things or the children books..if you are young and alone then they will show u popular magzines with girls on the top..and iif u look serious they will show u the best sellers or managament guru they know the profile of the customers very well ...and their stock although limited to 10-20 books and magzines but the chances are that if u are looking for something not very unque or rare ..just the latest best selling , u will find it their inventory is what it has to be , just the right stuff

Coming to the point now: each children has less than a minute or two..during this time he has to meet atleast a few customers and make sure that he is able to sell something. so the level of judgement has to be precise and perfect ..there is no margin of errors..thus our child marketing teams evaluates each customer, starts selling thhe books and magzines by pleading and takes an instantaneous judgment whether to continue with the customer or to move on to this couple of seconds the decision is made; meanwhile the small child on the street catches carefully each emotion and stare of the customer who is sitting in the car or auto. even if there is trace of some emotion , some curiosity , some greed , some lust , Some hesitant movement he catches it...he knows it whether you are his potential customer or not.. if you have shown any of these emotions or movements he will continue pleading more articulatly and may be with some price discounts will be terrible for you to resist such an offer ..however if u are of the hard type, the child marketman will know this and without uttering another word he will just move on to another customer..this happens in less than 2 minutes

I call it one of the most difficult form of marketing for the reasons which i have written. BUt also becasue these children are mostly barefoot and without a cap on their heads in the blazing and scorching heat of delhi and india. They are their 365 days. For them there is no holidays or vacations.

And the 1 minute traffic signal makes all the differnce to their soon as the traffic light turns from red to green the customer in the car who has shown sligly inclination turns his gaze , the driver of the car snubs the child to move away and the traffic behind beeps and screams loudly to move on...It all happens in less than 2 minute

Its a 2 minute marketing where everthing happens..a book is sold money os exchnged..many a times the customer gets 100 rs currncy note from his pocket. The child marketman is in a dilemma. He does not have the change but he cud not loose the he gives the book to the cutomer and keeps his faith in him that he will stop after crossing the square...its a big risk but he has to take it..he than run after the car of the customer and in the busy snarling traffic ...many a time he refuses to give the book /magzine. making a judgement of the customer..and many a times his judgement is all happens in less than 2 minute...
twitter: @travel2india24x

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